Bookworm Adventures 2 Online Game

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BookwormBookworm Adventures 2 Online Game

Cute graphics? Low system requirements?

Home 2015 April Small Games, Uncategorized Bookworm Adventures Volume 2 Game. Bookworm Adventures Volume 2 Game. April 10, 2015.

Addictive 'Just one more.' Yup, it's a new PopCap game. In Bookworm Adventures Volume 2, you once again control Lex, the bespectacled worm, as he travels from one literary locale to the next, spelling out words from a collection of random letters and defeating foes such as Papa Bear and Puss In Boots. Bookworm Adventures Volume 2 isn't a simple spelling game with some graphics bolted on, though. As with its predecessor, Bookworm Adventures 2 adds in elements from role-playing games.

You win magic items and potions as you travel, your Health Bar expands, and you gain more tactical options. You also face foes with more interesting powers. Gameplay in Bookworm Adventures is very straightforward, and no reflexes are required, a blessing for the slowly graying gamer. On one side of the screen is you; on the other, your foe. Down below is a grid containing letters.

Popcap Bookworm Adventures 2

Click some letters to spell out a word, and then press 'Attack!' Your word flies across the screen, smacking the enemy. The longer your word and the more unusual letters (such as X) it uses, the more damage you do. (For you Warcraft players, think of 'dog' as a green item, and 'taxonomy' as a purple epic.