Nov 12, 2018 - Understanding the anatomy of the brain is an important aspect of. Learn more about the basic structure and function of different parts. Keeping these chemicals balanced and the nerve cells firing properly are essential to healthy brain function. Parts of the Brain and Their Functions Cerebrum. The cerebrum is the largest portion of the brain, and contains tools which are responsible for most of the brain's function. Adapted from Susan J. Shapiro’s “The Ultimate Portable Brain Model” in the Activities Handbook for the Teaching of Psychology Volume Four, edited by Ludy Benjamin, Barbara Nodine, Randal.
Key Takeaways Key Points • The study of psychology focuses on the interaction of mental processes and behavior on a systemic level, and therefore is intimately related to understanding the brain. • One of the most complex systems in nature, the brain is composed of systems that must all work together to keep the human body functioning. • The brain is split up into three major layers: the hindbrain, the midbrain, and the forebrain. Key Terms • neural tube: An embryo’s predecessor to the central nervous system.