A study of short circuit was developed. A single-phase fault (most common contingency) and a three-phase fault (the one with higher currents) was analyzed.
Pues muy facil. En una casa por ejemplo es todo el cableado que hace posible iluminacion. Todos los enchufes, focos, etc en su conjunto son una instalacion electrica. Veremos una sencilla explicacion sobre el calibre de cables que se usan para la instalacion electrica de una casa o departamento. FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com.
Resulting in a maximum asymmetrical current 13 500 A in the secondary of the transformer. Part of the study includes a diagnostic of the quality of energy. Interesting results were obtained in harmonic distortion. No significant voltage distortion, while the current values are very high (reaching a current of 24.80 A in the total harmonic distortion). Finally, a cost estimate was made for the Maintenance Office of the Bank of Costa Rica to consider a budget of approximately 15 million of colons only for materials.